ESE is the devil - the dam girls (09 new)

Tuesday, 20 July 2010 § 0

ESE is the devil - High-power dam, the girl I love gangster rap Chicano your latest work new 509 ... This is a new Rola homies CD (I love punk from the house 5). Enjoy ... My homies ... N one Homegirls .. The CD: Gangster of Love Vol. 5 release: January 27, 2009 High Power Entertainment, 2009 Track: 1.Candy Lady - Malow Mac 2.I Miss You - G-reel 3.Baby Girls - El Demonio 4.By with you - Lil 'Tweety 5.Dam Girls - Mr. Devil 6.Love confession - the confusion of a young 7.Gangster 's need 2 love - Mr. Capone - E loves the 8.You - Lilliana GFor 9.Slow Jam - Lil G / Soldier Ink 10.Love You So - Lil 'Tweety 11.You of the gang in your life - Mr. Capone - E 12.You I know of - to Mr. Conejo 13.OutrO

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