Enjoy nature and role of sacred service.

Friday, 30 July 2010 § 0

Desiree Leigh Thompson is my physical role. But I also have another role. That is Desiree in her divine role. The physical role is the 'work' that I must do here on earth for the expansion of the totality. By embracing spirit and allowing the light to flow through me in my physical role, I am guided by my divine role. In essence, there is no separation of roles because one could not be without the other.

Being guided by your divine role serves a great purpose for All That Is. Because all others are a reflection of each other and the reflection of the Universe, serving others, serves you at the same time. So what does it really mean when we are of service to each other and then ourselves at the same time? How could this be? When we serve or minister others in our physical work with our divine purpose in heart (both our roles), we are basically ministering to ourselves, not only the other person(s) standing in front of you. If we are really a reflection of each other, just as a still lake is to your physical image, then we are serving our selves. We are serving the One. We are basically seeking out what we need; or what we desire. What the Ultimate desires. We are seeking our expansion. At the same time, we are sending the divine message of the Ultimate through all our physical experiences.

Like I mentioned earlier, there is no separation. One without the other would not exist. Take a child for instance. To birth a baby we need both sperm and egg. We need both masculine and feminine. The divine role is about taking in my personal daily experiences of service, which constitute many things, and seeing all of those experiences with the light or though the eyes of Source.

How To:
To best expand your energies with Joy and to raise your vibration, open your heart and allow your divine light to flow through you. It will then flow freely to others, opening and expanding their heart's while you're in service.

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