Music As A Hobby

Monday, 3 May 2010 § 0

Music is a universal phenomenon, which evolved into an art form over a course of time. The different elements of sound and silence like - pitch, vibration, rhythm, structure, texture, timbre, lyrics all combine in a creative whole to make musical compositions, which have delighted the soul of man since times immemorial.

Ancient man must have learnt to create this phenomenon by hearing the natural sounds of the elements, birds and animals. The audible language of vibrations is common to all incarnations, ages, classes and castes. This form of expression is graded in various ways - in terms of creativity, composition, meaning and performance. Its quality is primarily governed by socio- cultural conditioning and the sensitivity of the individual artist. As a genre of art, it can be classified as fine art and performing art.

Music is the most ardently pursued hobby among human beings of all ages and nationalities. The therapeutic value of the same has been proved in recent times through many researches. It is also seen to have a very positive effect on plants and animals. Children are encouraged by their parents to make it their hobby, for its de-stressing and sensitizing qualities.

It is difficult to distinguish 'types' in this art - which are most suitable as a hobby. The range and variety of this genre which can be pursued for pleasure (as a hobby) is indeed mind boggling. People who pursue it as a hobby can operate as appreciators, patrons and collectors if they are not able to sing and play themselves. Amateur musicians or hobbyists are known to compose and perform for pure aesthetic delight, ceremonial, religious and community purposes without any commercial considerations. They indulge in this as a hobby - and a love affair with this form of creativity usually lasts for life.

Music plays like an instinct in all forms of life. Human beings understand and respond to musical vibrations in a variety of emotional and mental ways. Numerous instruments have been constructed by them to create symphonies and songs in tremendous variety. Similarly, there are thousand ways of composing and rendering musical notes in all the languages of the world. Musical expression can be either instrumental or vocal. There is no dearth of resources and material for individuals, who want to make it their hobby. Schools and classes for musical training are available for all those who wish to cultivate this sense in most countries of the world.

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