#1: Save more for Luis Bunuel's L'Age d'Or Lowest prices today - Find the best prices

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Bunuel and Dali's surreal visions of tireless fans dissatisfied with the time imposed by society, "educated and guided (in his case), madness and atheism, and (in his case), nymphomania and desperate debauchery is a wild and surprising work art.
The constant images of animals, Scorpions opened a beetle, dog, cow, fly, giraffe, horse, feathers and eggs shows small differences between man and the world foundation.
The disturbing visions of the pope and hisCardinals ran aground on the beach, shipwrecked forever, and the image of Christ as orgiastic, violent, mystical, ecstatic, indifferent to the purity and virginity also reflects the small differences between the common man, an animal purely instinctive, spiritual and civil power (whoever they may be).
Finally, the fabulous music this short avant-wonder-drive, whether your score Bunuel or the works of Debussy, Mozart, Wagner, Beethoven, Mendelssohn andSchubert.
Highly recommended for those who can see past mockery of Christianity and "high society", and recognize the art and magic, ironic, subversive subconscious milieu of Bunuel and Dali.

Luis Bunuel's L'Age d'Or Overview

A man and a woman are passionately in love with one another but their attempts to consummate that passion are constantly thwarted by their families the church and bourgeois society. Studio: Kino International Release Date: 11/23/2004 Run time: 63 minutes

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